Florida Arrest Records

Yes, Florida arrest records are open to the public. Under Florida's Sunshine Law, it is the responsibility of every government agency to make public records easily accessible, including arrest records. As such, members of the public can review and copy arrest records from the appropriate records custodian.

In Florida, arrest records are generated by local or state law enforcement agencies. State law enforcement agencies create this report after arresting a person for committing a crime. However, unlike Florida criminal records, arrest records do not offer definitive proof of the individual's criminal activity in Florida. A person is said to be under arrest when taken into police custody following their alleged involvement in a crime.

What is Considered an Arrest Record in Florida?

Florida arrest records are documents that contain information about persons who have been apprehended because of a crime. These records often bear specifics of the alleged crime(s) plus other arrest and booking information. The record may also contain indictment information.

Regardless, arrest records are not sufficient proof of criminal behavior because they do not confirm that the arrestee was convicted of the alleged offense. Instead, the documents show that the suspect was detained and interrogated about a criminal law violation.

What is Contained in a Florida Arrest Record?

In general, arrest records provide details about the suspect, the nature and severity of an alleged crime, the police interrogation, the criminal charges, and future court dates. This includes: