Types of Electrical License & its Eligibility Criteria

Image of two people sitting beside high voltage wires with the text - Electrical licenses and their eligibility criteria

Types of Electrical License & their Eligibility Criteria

Electrical license are mainly divided into 3 categories which are mentioned below, these three categories are further divided into their respective sub-categories.

Picture showing a graph which shows different types of electrical licenses

You can apply for an electrical license from the official web portal of the CEIG department of your state or you can also apply offline by visiting the office.

Eligibility Criteria for Contractor Electrical License

The contractor electrical license is further divided into four categories

Eligibility Criteria for Class A

Eligibility Criteria for Class B

Eligibility Criteria for Class C

Eligibility Criteria for Class D

Eligibility Criteria for Supervisor Electrical License

Class A Electrical Supervisor (Any voltage level)

Class B Electrical Supervisor (Voltage up to 33kv and below)

Mines Electrical Supervisor

Eligibility Criteria for Other Electrical Licenses

Wire-Man License

Charted Safety Electrical Engineer


An electrical license is essential for contractors as it helps you in getting new employment opportunities, before applying a contractor should always check his project’s requirement or the nature of the work which he or she has to do.

Learn more about Electrical License with this video

Apply for different Licenses

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