Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce

Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce. Concepts and Tools Shan Jiang Spring 2014. Outline. Overview MapReduce Framework HDFS Framework Hadoop Mechanisms Relevant Technologies Hadoop Implementation (Hands-on Tutorial). What and Why?. > How?. Overview of Hadoop. Why Hadoop? .

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Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce

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  1. Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce Concepts and Tools Shan Jiang Spring 2014
  2. Outline • Overview • MapReduce Framework • HDFS Framework • Hadoop Mechanisms • Relevant Technologies • Hadoop Implementation (Hands-on Tutorial) What and Why? > How?
  3. Overview of Hadoop
  4. Why Hadoop? • Hadoop addresses “big data” challenges. • “Big data” creates large business values today. • $10.2 billion worldwide revenue from big data analytics in 2013*. • Various industries face “big data” challenges. Without an efficient data processing approach, the data cannot create business values. • Many firms end up creating large amount of data that they are unable to gain any insight from. *
  5. Big Data Facts • KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB • [100 TB] of data uploaded daily to Facebook. • [235 TB] of data has been collected by the U.S. Library of Congress in April 2011. • Walmart handles more than 1 million customer transactions every hour, which is more than [2.5 PB] of data. • Google processes [20 PB] per day. • [2.7 ZB] of data exist in the digital universe today. 100 TB 235 TB 2.5 PB 20PB 2.7 ZB
  6. Why Hadoop? • Hadoop is a platform for storage and processing huge datasets distributed on clusters of commodity machines. • Two core components of Hadoop: • MapReduce • HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File Systems)
  7. Core Components of Hadoop
  8. Core Components of Hadoop • MapReduce • An efficient programming framework for processing parallelizable problems across huge datasets using a large number of machines. • HDFS • A distributed file system designed to efficiently allocate data across multiple commodity machines, and provide self-healing functions when some of them go down.
  9. Hadoop vs MapReduce • They are not the same thing! • Hadoop = MapReduce + HDFS • Hadoop is an open source implementation of MapReduce framework. • There are other implementations, such as Google MapReduce. • Google MapReduce (C++, not public) • Hadoop (Java, open source)
  10. Hadoop vs RDBMS • Many businesses are turning from RDBMS to Hadoop-based systems for data management. • In a word, if businesses need to process and analyze large-scale, real-time data, then choose Hadoop. Otherwise staying with RDBMS is still a wise choice.
  11. Hadoop vs Other Distributed Systems • Common Challenges in Distributed Systems • Component Failure • Individual compute nodes may overheat, crash, experience hard drive failures, or run out of memory or disk space. • Network Congestion • Data may not arrive at a particular point in time. • Communication Failure • Multiple implementations or versions of client software may speak slightly different protocols from one another. • Security • Data may be corrupted, or maliciously or improperly transmitted. • Synchronization Problem • ….
  12. Hadoop vs Other Distributed Systems • Hadoop • Uses efficient programming model. • Efficient, automatic distribution of data and work across machines. • Good in component failure and congestion problems. • Weak for security issues.
  13. HDFS
  14. HDFS Framework • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a highly fault-tolerant distributed file system for Hadoop. • Infrastructure of Hadoop Cluster • Hadoop ≈ MapReduce + HDFS • Specifically designed to work with MapReduce. • Major assumptions: • Large data sets. • Hardware failure. • Streaming data access.
  15. HDFS Framework • Key features of HDFS: • Fault Tolerance - Automatically and seamlessly recover from failures • Data Replication- to provide redundancy. • Load Balancing - Place data intelligently for maximum efficiency and utilization • Scalability- Add servers to increase capacity • “Moving computations is cheaper than moving data.”
  16. HDFS Framework • Components of HDFS: • DataNodes • Store the data with optimized redundancy. • NameNode • Manage the DataNodes.
  17. MapReduce Framework
  18. MapReduce Framework
  19. MapReduce Framework • Map: • Extract something of interest from each chunk of record. • Reduce: • Aggregate the intermediate outputs from the Map process. • The Map and Reduce have different instantiations in different problems. General framework
  20. MapReduce Framework • Inputs and outputs of Mappers and Reducers are key value pairs . • Programmers must do the coding according to the MapReduce Model • Specify Map method • Specify Reduce Method • Define the intermediate outputs in format.
  21. Example: WordCount • A “HelloWorld” problem for MapReduce. • Input: 1,000,000 documents (text data). • Job: Count the frequency of each word. • Too slow to do in one machine. • Each Map function produces pairs for its assigned task (say, 1000 articles) … … document 1: a dog ran into a cat. document 2: ….. …… Map
  22. Example: WordCount • Each Reduce function aggregates pairs for its assigned task. The task is assigned after map outputs are sorted and shuffled. … … … … Reduce • All Reduce outputs are finally aggregated and merged.
  23. Hadoop Mechanisms
  24. Hadoop Architecture • Hadoop has a master/slave architecture. • Typically one machine in the cluster is designated as the NameNode and another machine as the JobTracker, exclusively. • These are the masters. • The rest of the machines in the cluster act as both DataNodeandTaskTracker. • These are the slaves.
  25. Hadoop Architecture • Example 1 masters Job Tracker NameNode
  26. Hadoop Architecture • Example 2 (for small problems)
  27. Hadoop Architecture • NameNode (master) • Manages the file system namespace. • Executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories. • It also determines the mapping of data chunks to DataNodes. • Monitor DataNodes by receiving heartbeats. • DataNodes (slaves) • Manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on. • Serve read and write requests from the file system’s clients. • Perform block creation, deletion, and replication upon instruction from the NameNode.
  28. Hadoop Architecture • JobTracker (master) • Receive jobs from client. • Talks to the NameNode to determine the location of the data • Manage and schedule the entire job. • Split and assign tasks to slaves (TaskTrackers). • Monitor the slave nodes by receiving heartbeats. • TaskTrackers (slaves) • Manage individual tasks assigned by the JobTracker, including Map operations and Reduce operations. • Every TaskTracker is configured with a set of slots, these indicate the number of tasks that it can accept. • Send out heartbeat messages to the JobTracker to tell that it is still alive. • Notify the JobTracker when succeeds or fails.
  29. Hadoop program (Java) • Hadoop programs must be written to conform to MapReduce model. It must contains: • Mapper Class • Define a map method • map(KEY key, VALUE value, OutputCollector output) or map(KEY key, VALUE value, Context context) • Reducer Class • Define a reduce method • reduce(KEY key, VALUE value, OutputCollector output) or reduce(KEY key, VALUE value, Context context) • Main function with job configurations. • Define input and output paths. • Define input and output formats. • Specify Mapper and Reducer Classes
  30. Hadoop program (Java)
  31. Example: WordCount •
  32. Example: WordCount (cont’d) •
  33. Where is Hadoop going?
  34. Relevant Technologies
  35. Technologies relevant to Hadoop Zookeeper Pig
  36. Hadoop Ecosystem
  37. Sqoop • Provides simple interface for importing data straight from relational DB to Hadoop.
  38. NoSQL • HDFS- Append only file system • A file once created, written, and closed need not be changed. • To modify any portion of a file that is already written, one must rewrite the entire file and replace the old file. • Not efficient for random read/write. • Use relational database? Not scalable. • Solution: NoSQL • Stands for Not Only SQL. • Class of non-relational data storage systems. • Usually do not require a pre-defined table schema in advance. • Scale horizontally. • VS vertically.
  39. NoSQL • NoSQL data store models: • Document store • Wide-column store • Key Value store • Graph store • NoSQL Examples: • HBase • Cassandra • MongoDB • CouchDB • Redis • Riak • Neo4J • ….
  40. HBase • HBase • Hadoop Database. • Good integration with Hadoop. • A datastore on HDFS that supports random read and write. • A distributed database modeled after Google BigTable. • Best fit for very large Hadoop projects.
  41. Comparison between NoSQLs • The following articles and websites provide a comparison on pros and cons of different NoSQLs • Articles • • • DB Engine Comparison •
  42. Need for High-Level Languages • Hadoop is great for large data processing! • But writing Mappers and Reducers for everything is verbose and slow. • Solution: develop higher-level data processing languages. • Hive: HiveQL is like SQL. • Pig: Pig Latin similar to Perl.
  43. Hive • Hive: data warehousing application based on Hadoop. • Query language is HiveQL, which looks similar to SQL. • Translate HiveQL into MapReduce jobs. • Store & manage data on HDFS. • Can be used as an interface for HBase, MongoDB etc.
  44. Hive WordCount.hql
  45. Pig • A high-level platform for creating MapReduce programs used in Hadoop. • Translate into efficient sequences of one or more MapReduce jobs. • Executing the MapReduce jobs.
  46. Pig WordCount.hql • A = load './input/';B = foreach A generate flatten(TOKENIZE((chararray)$0)) as word;C = group B by word;D = foreach C generate COUNT(B), group;store D into './wordcount';
  47. Mahout • A scalable data mining engine on Hadoop (and other clusters). • “Weka on Hadoop Cluster”. • Steps: • 1) Prepare the input data on HDFS. • 2) Run a data mining algorithm using Mahout on the master node.
  48. Mahout • Mahout currently has • Collaborative Filtering. • User and Item based recommenders. • K-Means, Fuzzy K-Means clustering. • Mean Shift clustering. • Dirichlet process clustering. • Latent Dirichlet Allocation. • Singular value decomposition. • Parallel Frequent Pattern mining. • Complementary Naive Bayes classifier. • Random forest decision tree based classifier. • High performance java collections (previously colt collections). • A vibrant community. • and many more cool stuff to come by this summer thanks to Google summer of code. • ….
  49. Zookeeper • Zookeeper: A cluster management tool that supports coordination between nodes in a distributed system. • When designing a Hadoop-based application, a lot of coordination works need to be considered. Writing these functionalities is difficult. • Zookeeper provides services that can be used to develop distributed applications. • Who use it? • Hbase • Cloudera • … • Zookeeper provide services such as : • Configuration management • Synchronization • Group services • Leader election • ….
  50. Spark • Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. • Spark is built on top of HDFS, but does not use MapReduce framework • It claims that it is 100 times faster than MapReduce. • Supports Java, Python, Scala APIs. Load More .

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Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop

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This Hadoop tutorial on MapReduce Example ( Mapreduce Tutorial Blog Series: ) will help you understand how to write a MapReduce program in Java. You will also get to see multiple mapreduce examples on Analytics and Testing. r r Check our complete Hadoop playlist here: r Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:r r 1) MapReduce Wayr 2) Classes and Packages in MapReducer 3) Explanation of a Complete MapReduce Programr 4) MapReduce Examples on Analyticsr 5) MapReduce Example on Testing - MRUnit

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Cloud Computing with MapReduce and Hadoop. Matei Zaharia UC Berkeley RAD Lab What is Cloud Computing?. “Cloud” refers to large Internet services that run on 10,000’s of machines (Google, Yahoo!, etc)

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