Articles of organization tn

Select “Limited Liability Company” from the dropdown menu.

I attest that:

Click the box here to confirm that you understand business filings are public record.


First, make sure your business name follows Tennessee statutory requirements. We explain the rules and how to check if your name is available in our article: Tennessee LLC Name Search.

Business Name

Business Entity Name
Enter your desired LLC name, and confirm it on the next line.

Make sure to include a permitted designator. In Tennessee, you can use the following:

You can use a comma in your LLC name or you can leave it out.

For example: Grand Olive Oil LLC and Grand Olive Oil, LLC are both acceptable.

Formation Locale

Select “Domestic Tennessee Business” to form a Tennessee LLC.

Business Type

Additional Designation
Most people are forming regular LLCs, and leave this set to “(none).

If you are starting a Non-Profit or a Professional LLC (PLLC), select that option instead. You’ll need extra documents (like non-profit certification or proof that you’re a licensed professional) if these apply to you.

Series LLC
A Series LLC works like a network of connected companies. However, they are much more complex. These are uncommon, and most people don’t check this box.

Click “Continue” to proceed.


Business Entity Properties

Period of Duration
In this section, you’ll tell Tennessee how long you want your LLC to exist.

We recommend leaving the dropdown menu set to “Perpetual“.

This gives your LLC a perpetual (aka permanent) duration. This means your LLC will exist forever, until you choose to dissolve it.

Note: It’s very rare to specify an end date in your Articles of Organization filing (a date on which your LLC would automatically shut down). You can always dissolve your LLC by filing a simple form later.

Expiration Date
If you chose a duration that Expires, you’ll enter a date here. Otherwise, there’s nothing to do here.

Fiscal Year Close
For accounting and tax purposes, most small businesses run on the “calendar year”, which is January 1st to December 31st. That’s the same as your personal income taxes.

If that’s what you will be doing for your LLC, you can leave this set to “December” for your LLC’s fiscal year. (This is what most people do).

If your business runs on a different fiscal year, please enter that fiscal year end date instead.

Delayed Effective Date
The LLC Effective Date is the date your LLC goes into existence. Think of it like the day your LLC is “born”.

If you don’t declare a Delayed Effective Date, your LLC will become effective the day it is approved by the Tennessee Secretary of State.

If you want your LLC to go into existence on the date it’s approved by the state:
Then you don’t need to do anything here. Most people choose this option.

If you want your LLC to go into existence on a future date:
Click “Declare a Delayed Effective Date” and enter that date (ex: MM/DD/YYYY). This date can’t be more than 90 days ahead. And you can’t back-date your filing.

Matt Horwitz, founder of LLC University®

Pro Tip: If you’re forming your Tennessee LLC later in the year (October, November, December) and you don’t need your LLC open right away, you can give your LLC an effective date of January 1st of the following year.

This can save you the hassle of filing taxes for those few months with no business activity.

Managed By:

Choose from the dropdown menu:

Tip: Most people’s LLCs are either Manager-managed or Member-managed. Director-managed is not very common and most people don’t use this. Director-managed is like having a board of directors to run your LLC.

Number of Members

Enter (and confirm in the next line) the number of Members in your LLC.

Remember, the filing fee in Tennessee depends on the number of Members in your company. Make sure this is accurate.

Obligated Member Entity

Don’t check this box.

Other Provisions

Don’t check these boxes (unless your attorney instructed you to).

Click “Continue” to proceed.

Agent (Registered Agent)

Agent Detail