Property Taxes

Property tax dollars are received by the county, school district, municipality, and other local taxing districts in which you live. The county portion of your property tax dollars is used to fund services such as county libraries, parks, county roads, and community services.

Paying Property Taxes

Paying Property Taxes

Due dates, payment options, and where to find payment stubs.

Olmsted County Property Tax Estimator

Olmsted County Property Tax Estimator

Find out the difference between homestead and non-homestead taxes.

Understanding Property Taxes

Understanding Property Taxes

There are many factors that affect your property taxes.

Property Tax Facts

Property Tax Facts

When will I receive my property tax statement? How are my property taxes calculated? Learn these answers and more.

Tax-forfeited property

Find Olmsted County tax-forfeited property information

Tax-forfeited property

Find Olmsted County tax-forfeited property information

Tax-forfeited parcels are properties on which delinquent property taxes were not paid. Title to the land and buildings was forfeited, and title is now vested in the State of Minnesota.